I hope this experiment will prove to be a useful resource for our group and an easy way for all of us to stay connected even, and maybe most importantly, especially during the times when we can't all be together. If this site works the way that I think it will, I should be able to publish all of our study guides, our calendar, notices, links to extra materials... and whatever else we may need to this location. Once published, you will be able to access and print any of the documents on any computer with Internet service. You can even subscribe to the site so that you would be automatically alerted when the site has been updated. Best of all, you would also be able to communicate with me and any of the other members of the group by leaving comments on the site.
Because I also intend to use this site for the adult catechism group I hope to start this fall, you will have to look for the icon of St. Paul the Apostle in any posts that would be of concern to our study of Paul's Letter to the Romans. In this first post, I have included a link to a test study guide. It would help me if you could try and print the document on your own computer and then leave a comment to let me know if you're successful. You can find this test document by clicking on the highlighted blue text.
Once we get rolling this fall, I hope you will make the most of this addition to our Bible Study.
New! Available beginning July 24:
Study guide for September 13 book discussion of C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity. Click here to print.
Also, Women's Bible Study Calendar 2007/08. Click here to print.