We had a lot to talk about today! Those reviews are quite a bit of work. If you want to do some review of today's lessons, or you just weren't able to make the meeting, you are welcome to print a copy of my personal notes. I'm not sure if they will be much help, but you are welcome to them. Click on this link to print.
Our next meeting is on October 11. I will put up the study guide as soon as I can, so just check back periodically to see if it is here. As of today, I'm about halfway done.
In the meantime, try watching this video from YouTube--it's only 5 minutes long-- and let me know what you think. (This may not work if you have slllllooooowwwww Internet. Sorry)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Romans: Lesson One & Two

This is an important lesson. Give yourself plenty of time to devote to it. We are laying the groundwork for the rest of the study. As I was preparing the study guide, I realized what a great introduction to the year our summer book, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, turned out to be. Now we are ready to take on the big themes of our Christian faith.
So, here's what I want you to do. Below I have set up a link to the study guide for our first two lessons. Once you open that document, you should be able to print it right from the Google docs page. (I tried it myself, and it worked for me.) If you are successful in printing the document, click on the "comments" below and leave a brief message to let me know that you were able to print your own copy. If you cannot print the document, or have difficulties in doing so, indicate that in the comments section as well, giving me a brief description of the difficulties you experienced. On Wednesday, Sept. 26, I will check the comments and print out study guides for anyone who could not do it for themselves. I will also be printing up copies of the list of names, emails, and phone numbers for everyone in the group and bring that on Thursday as well. If any of that information has changed since last year, send me an email ASAP. Since I would rather not put that information online, I will print enough copies for everyone.
See you on Thursday!
Study guide for Sept 27, 2007 Romans: Lesson 1 & 2 Click here to print.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Welcome Back!

- Please make sure that I have your current phone number and email (if applicable).
- Last spring I had asked that everyone fill out a survey. Most everyone seems fairly content with the way things are going—an all women study, catechism lessons following our regular lesson, and summer book study. I aim to please, but some suggestions simply cannot be accommodated. I’m working on satisfying the request of some to be able to get the study guide before our meeting by developing this blog. Now we just have to get everyone on board.
- Please spend some time reviewing the group rules on our schedule--we get lazy about some of them as the year progresses--and re-read the essay as well—it’s inspiring. Here are a few changes for this year…
- This is not really a change, just a request. Our study group is scheduled to meet from 9-11. I would appreciate it everyone would make a real effort this year to be on time and stay for the entire meeting. I know that it can’t always be avoided, but it’s disruptive to the group when people are coming in and out, and it demonstrates a lack of priority for what we do here. I’m not saying this because I think I’m so fascinating, but I think you owe it to yourself to set aside just two hours every few weeks to learn and share your faith. When you spend the time to do your homework, don’t short-change the other important component of the study—group discussion. Everything else shouldn't be more important than your responsibility to participate in our group.
- We will continue to share the responsibility for the opening prayer. I will let you know the schedule at our next meeting when I have the class list finalized. However, this year, instead of having individual prayer intentions, I am going to make a request that we share in one common prayer intention for our parish and our pastor. This link will take you to a suggested prayer that I hope you will consider including in your devotions. Click here.
- Finally, I am asking that each member who is able to preprint their own copy of the study guide for the lesson prior to our meetings. I will try to have the study guide available online by the Tuesday evening before our Thursday meeting. If you do print your guide, leave a comment on the blog indicating that you have done so. I usually print out the guides on Wednesday and will consult this site before I do so to get a count. If I plan to have extra materials—articles, catechism topics, etc.—I will provide those to the group and add them to the site after the meeting.
Study Guide for Mere Christianity,
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