Prior to our September 8 meeting, please:
1. Register for the class. Registration forms are available at the Church of St. Patrick. There are no fees apart from the cost of materials.
2. It has become our custom to read a book over the summer months and discuss that book at the first meeting of the year. This summer we are reading The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. Our summer book is not required for the group; it's just something fun we do to break the ice at our first meeting.
3. Purchase the materials. On this website, just to the right of this copy, are links to Amazon for the materials that we use for our group. You are welcome to purchase them on your own, or we can special order them for you at St. Patrick's Book & Gift. In addition to the two books that we use for the Bible study, we also use the U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults.
Any questions? Feel free to leave them in the comments section below, or contact the Church of St. Patrick.
Hope to see you in September!