If you would like to join our group...

Our main textbook is the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture: First and Second Timothy, Titus by George T. Montague, S.M. This is a relatively new Catholic Bible study series published by Baker Academic. To learn more, you can visit the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture website. At this site you can learn about the author, read excerpts from the book, and find endorsements and reviews. You can also download and print a copy of the Discussion Guide that we will be using for our meetings.
The book is $20 and payment is due with your completed registration form.

In addition to the two books listed here, you will also need a notebook or journal to keep notes, write reflections, and answer or ask questions. This is open to your personal preference--a special journal, iPad or other tablet. Whatever suits you.
One last thing...It has been our tradition to read a spiritual work over the summer break and use the second half of our first meeting in the fall to discuss what we have read. This summer, we are going to read St. Paul's First & Second Letters to the Thessalonians. This is an optional exercise. We are, of course, using the Ignatius Bible, and then you are welcome to use any other resources you may have to help you with your study. Please use the study guide below as one of those resources. Bring it to our first meeting on September 11, and we'll also use it for our discussion of the letters.
Study Guide First & Second Letters to the Thessalonians
Even if you choose not to participate in the discussion of our summer study of Thessalonians, please plan to attend our first meeting on September 11. We will spend some time getting acquainted and talking about our plans for the rest of the year.
Hope to see you in September!