It's important to open our eyes to the reality of modern day slavery, even though we may seem entirely helpless in making that situation better. Prayer. Prayer. Prayer. This is always the first and best course of action when we think that there is little that we can do right a wrong.
Defending our faith in a gentle and loving way and being good and generous stewards are the two issues we can change by becoming better informed, and praying and meditating about what our conscience is telling us to do.
One of the many books that I could recommend to help us be better evangelizers of our faith is, How to Defend You Faith Without Raising Your Voice: Civil Responses to Catholic Hot Button Issues by Austen Ivereigh. There are several other books with a similar intent that would be helpful as well. We all know that shouting or being snarky wins no one to Christ.
The money're on your own. I'm no financial planner. You can just ask my husband.
So, here are my notes for this lesson.
Notes for 1 Timothy 6
Thanks for a great start for our Bible study year. I couldn't be happier with the vibe of our group, not to mention the size! Lots of good and varied voices with plenty to share to keep us all walking toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

I told you I knew just the space for the beautiful quilted runner Cathy made for me. Doesn't it look perfect on the coffee table in the sunroom? What a surprise. I love it. Thank you so much. And a little lovely elf even bought my lunch. Wow! Glad I came.
Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas to You All!
See you on January 8 for 2 Timothy 1.
One last thing. Here's a little video for you to watch. It's a commercial made by the Catholics Come Home organization. They are trying to raise enough money to air it as often as possible on the major networks. It's a good reminder for all of us about the meaning of the season. Enjoy.