If you were unable to attend, be sure to ask me for a copy of our schedule for the year.

Driving home today I was thinking more about our conversation regarding praying for people in purgatory. Someone in the group had wondered what happens to our prayers if we were to pray for someone who was already in heaven. Of course, the answers to questions like that have to be considered outside of our understanding of how time is measured in eternity. We are so stuck in thinking about time in a linear fashion that it is hard for us to wrap our minds around a different reality, but consider this--our prayers today for the souls in purgatory could possibly benefit someone who hasn't even been born yet! Kind of blows your mind, doesn't it? We can even pray for our own soul. Bottom line, I guess, PRAY!
Our next meeting will be on September 22 when we will cover Lesson 1. I should have our study guide up by the middle of next week.
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