Friday, December 7, 2012

Lesson Four Update

I'm afraid this was another one of those sessions when I did most of the talking.  Sorry about that, but I couldn't let this catechism chapter on morality go by with just a passing mention when it's such an important part of how we live our lives as Christians.  How are we ever supposed to discern good from evil, right from wrong if we aren't given some objective direction by which to do that?

As I said during the course of our discussion, we've become of society of people who have forgotten how to think.  Unfortunately, more focus is placed on people--our government, our media, etc.--telling us what to think without giving any solid, rational reasons.  And if reasons are given, they're reasons that are based on purely subjective ends: personal happiness, temporal gains, false "tolerance" (which really means that we are just supposed to look the other way when we see sin).

Christian moral code is based on something greater than personal whim or current political or cultural trends.  Christian moral code comes from our Creator and is based on the inherent dignity all humans have by being created in the image of God.  Christian moral code is constant, eternal, and knowable.  We do not have to be slaves to the "dictatorship of relativism."  We can live in the freedom of seeking out the will of God which ultimately leads us to fulfill the potential we have to become saints!

Whether you attended our December meeting or not, I would encourage you to download a copy of my notes from that lesson in addition to the study guide that is linked in the post just below this one.  I did quite a considerable amount of research for this lesson and wrote it out as clearly as I could hoping that my notes would make some kind of sense even if I was unable to articulate it as well as I had hoped I could during our meeting.  This is a big and complex topic, so if you have questions about what you have read, please bring them to our next meeting, and we'll do our best to try and clear things up.  Moralality, ethics, and philosophy can be endlessly fascinating topics to discuss.  One day is hardly enough.

Lesson Four Notes: Morality and Worthy Conduct

Our next meeting will be held on January 10.  Enjoy your break.  Have a wonderful Advent and a Blessed Christmas! 

One last thing...Before we meet again, the 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat that we discussed during our November meeting is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, January 2.  Meetings will be held every Wednesday morning from 9-10:30 from January 2-February 6.  You can register at the church, and the materials for the retreat are being sold at St. Patrick's Book & Gift.  The packet sells for $35+Tax.  This packet includes the book 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley, a companion workbook, a rosary, and a Miraculous Medal.  The members of this session will prepare for Marian Consecration on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.  Two of our Bible study members, Kandy and Patti, are organizing this retreat.  It should be a wonderful experience.  You can learn more about the program by Googling the title of the book and by watching the videos below.


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