I guess the bottom line for today, especially regarding the last section of chapter two, is that what Paul had to say is valid. The trouble is, it was written in a way that was acceptable in his time, but read 2,000 years later is in danger of being completely lost because the way he said it now sounds offensive. We do need to cut Paul some slack. If he would have tried to overturn every social and political convention of his day, the message of the Good News would never have been heard. Paul wasn't a social reformer; he was trying to save souls.
In his letter to the Galatians, Paul wrote, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Gal 3:28)
That is Paul. That is our faith.
As promised here are the links to the documents on women in the Church:
"Letter of Pope John Paul II to Women"
"Mulieris Dignitatem", "On the Dignity and Vocation of Women"
Summary Outline of "Mulieris Dignitatem"
By the way, there are several books that have come in from the special orders everyone placed at our earlier meetings. Be sure to stop by St. Patrick Book & Gift as soon as you are able to pick up your books.
Our next meeting is on October 23 when we will discuss 1 Timothy 3, pgs. 72-90 in our Catholic Commentary text. See you then!
Oops! One last thing. If you're interested, or happened to miss class today, below is a link to the notes that I used for our discussion. We often digress, so reading my notes is not as much fun as attending our sessions, but I hope they are of some help.
Notes on 1 Timothy 2
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