Monday, September 20, 2010

Lesson One: Historical Background and The True Gospel

Look at that! The first week and I get the lesson done a day earlier than I said I would. Don't get used to that.

This first lesson gives us the opportunity to cover a lot of material. We will talk about Paul, his personal story and his writings, the Galatians, the reason Paul wrote the letter, and we'll even give an overview of some of the main themes of the letter.

If possible, please print out a copy of the study guide and use it as you complete your lesson. We will also use the guide in our group discussion, so bring it along to our meeting. Let me know if you have any problems accessing this document.

Lesson One Study Guide

In religious art and icons, St. Paul is usually depicted holding a book. In part, this it may indicate that he was a well educated man, but it primarily speaks to the fact that this guy gave us a good share of the New Testament!

Depending on who you talk to, Paul is credited with authoring between thirteen to fourteen letters of sacred scripture. (There's some argument over the authorship of the Letter to the Hebrews.)

Either way, we have Paul--and the Holy Spirit, of course--to thank for some of the most beautiful and eloquent passages of theology that have ever existed.

St. Paul, pray for us.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kick-off and Life of Christ Discussion

Thanks for everyone who made it to this year's first Bible study meeting! I'm so glad to see a mix of old (as in familiar) and new faces. I think we're going to have another great year.

We spent some time talking about the year ahead, and then took the rest or the morning to talk about our summer book, Archbishop Fulton Sheen's Life of Christ. There was a definite consensus that this is one powerful book, so if you haven't had a chance to read it yet, be sure to get it on your list.

During our discussion, we used a study guide that I had prepared for that purpose. If you would like that guide, you are welcome to print a copy. I will also provide a link to the file of this same guide that I used to make my personal notes.

Life of Christ Study Guide

Life of Christ Study Guide w/Notes

Our next meeting will be on Sept. 30. Hopefully, I will have the study guide for that lesson available for you at this site before mid-week. Check back.