Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lesson Four:Hard Work for Christ and Lesson Three Update

First off, here is a link to my notes from Lesson Three.  Besides our lesson notes, it includes a summary of the major heresies that have attacked the Church throughout history.  I could see on your faces that it was a riveting topic.  Not.  But it is important for us to know and to remember the trials that people of good faith have endured  through the centuries to preserve the Truth of God's revelation for us.

Lesson Three Notes

Now for our new lesson.  We should have an interesting discussion about suffering joyfully!

Study Guide Lesson Four: Hard Work for Christ

This week's Catechism lesson, Chapter 32, Telling the Truth, fits in nicely with the message in our scripture passage.  The chapter begins with a small biography of Fr. John Francis Noll.  If the name doesn't sound familiar, his ministry should--he founded Our Sunday Visitor.  On our lesson guide, I promised a link to an extended preview of his book Father Smith Instructs Jack.  There are links on that page for Amazon and other booksellers that sell the Centennial Version of the book that was released earlier this year.  I have also ordered a copy for the bookstore.  (Always selling!)

I think that's it.  If I promised anything else and have neglected to include it on this post, leave a comment and let me know.

See you all on November 7!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lesson Three: Hymn to Christ and Lesson Two Update

Before I move on to Lesson Three, I want to finish up with the promises I made after we talked about Lesson Two.

First of all, here is the link to the notes that I had made for that lesson:
Lesson Two Notes

Second, here is the link to the second interview that Pope Francis gave.  Remember, the caveat to reading this interview is that it was not recorded.  We are asked to trust the reporter in stating the Pope's responses.  However, Pope Francis has not refuted anything that appeared in this article, so I'm assuming it is mostly accurate.
Pope Francis Interview with Eugenio Scalfari

Now, on to Lesson Three.
Lesson Three Study Guide

Our next meeting is on October 24.  See you then!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Lesson Two: Thanks and Concerns

Sorry for getting this guide up late.  I could give you all my excuses, but I'll spare you the details.

Study Guide Lesson Two

Don't forget to print the guide from the print prompt on the Google task bar in order to print the guide with the same formatting that appears on your computer.

There are some reading recommendations on the guide.  The book that I recommend, Theology of the Body for Beginners by Christopher West, can be purchased at St. Patrick's Book & Gift.  Here are the links to the other documents:

Humanae Vitae

Pope Francis' Interview

Let me know if you have trouble with these links.

Again, I apologize for the late posting.  See you on Thursday.