Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

"It did not become Immensity to confine himself with a man-made dwelling. It was not fitting that he--supreme in opulence, commanding the extravagant outlay of each day's dawn, setting the brow of night with dazzling jewels, casting about the shoulders of a crumbling wall a brilliant mantle richer than those of kings--should be born surrounded by our tawdry treasures. He dominates them by eschewing them. He shows his greatness by choosing what we call wretchedness. He wills no other luxury than what befits the restorer as well as the founder of the earth. The flower of this world--and not a hothouse flower--he wills to blossom in the midst of creations, with no other architect or interior decorator for his birthplace than the God whose Son and equal he is.

Moreover, is it not fitting that he who is the man of all men should, from his very first hour, be accessible to all, especially to those who resemble him the most: the humble, the lowly, the despised, who he loves? Look at those shepherds skirting the edge of the Judean wilderness, a black veil covering their heads, a sheepskin thrown over one shoulder, a threadbare tunic gathered close at the waist, and a short club cut from the sycamore tree in hand to hurl after the wandering sheep. These are the men to whom Jesus owes himself. They are nothing--less than nothing; especially in the Orient, they are the servants of servants and, like Jesus, they have no other shelter than the overhanging rocks. It is to them first of all that Jesus would offer himself."

From Walking With Jesus in the Holy Land by Fr. Antonin Gilbert Sertillanges, O.P.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Lesson Seven Update

Not very efficient on getting the notes from our last meeting up, but I don't have a high level of concern that anyone is dying to read them with all that's going on this time of year.

Thanks to all who were able to make it to lunch afterwards. That's become one of our fun traditions.

The next meeting covers two lessons, but they are both about Romans 6 (for the most part), so it should be manageable. Our next meeting is on January 10 and we will be discussing Lessons 8 & 9 in the Life Change book. I will get the study guide up ASAP, but again, I am not deeply concerned that anyone is going to get to this very soon anyway.

Merry Christmas.

Click here for Lesson Seven Notes.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Romans: Lesson Seven

After spending all day yesterday firmly in the grip of Christmas commercialism, it was nice to stay home today and prepare our Bible study--oh yeah, and do laundry--all while watching a steady snowfall. This is the perfect lesson for us to have for Advent; I think you'll see why when you get to your study. Not only am I including the study guide for this lesson, but I am going to have you pre-print and read our accompanying catechism lesson on original sin. I think it will help you with the lesson and should make our discussion better next Thursday as well.

Click here for the study guide for Lesson Seven.
Click here for the extra document on Original Sin.
Don't forget--save a tree and print this by the end of the day on Tuesday, December 11 and leave me a comment, so I don't print out another one for you.

By the way, it looks like lunch is a popular plan. Verna suggested Serendipity. Although that has long been one of my favorite words to say, I have never eaten at this new establishment. I will call and see if they are able to accommodate us. I am sure it will be fine, since we are able to get there before the regular lunch crowd would come. Let's count on it.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lesson Six Update

Another good session today. We covered a lot of ground, but I always seem to forget something, and today it was something important. Lunch! Our next meeting is on December 13, and that is the only time we get together during the month of December. Would anyone be interested in going out afterwards for what has become our traditional Christmas feed? Any ideas for a spot?

Now, this is one of those occasions when this web site will work great. Click on the comments button below and leave your feedback. Let us all know if you can make it for lunch next time and any ideas you might have for a place to go. I'll check back later and get a head count and call for a reservation.

Here are my notes on the big "C" topics we covered today: circumcision and celibacy. Thank goodness it's a Women's Bible Study.
Click here for Lesson Six Notes.
Click here for Priests and Marriage.

P.S. I was just thinking about what Madge said today about Advent going by too quickly and almost being secondary to all the hubbub and preparations for Christmas. Don't we all feel that way now and then this time of year? But you know, the only person who can change that for us, is us. Advent is not a mini-Lent, but it is its own time of conversion and preparation, so let's not forget to keep Advent for Advent and Christmas for Christmas. Even if you're not home to light the candles of the Advent wreath every night, you can light the Advent candles of the heart wherever you are. (And here's a shameful plug--St. Patrick's book store has some great Advent prayer and meditation booklets to help us keep the season. Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Romans: Lesson Six

The Lesson Six study guide is ready to go. This is a fascinating lesson. I love to see how the Old and New Testament all fits together in the big scheme of things. Not to burden you with some extra homework, but I think you'll be glad if you take my advice in the first paragraph of the study guide and do a little preliminary reading before you dive into the lesson. It will give you a good foundation for the study.

Don't forget to print out your copy of the guide and leave me a comment that you have done so by the end of the day on Tuesday, November 27.

One last quick reminder: If you have read the first book in the series of the Seasons of Reading group, The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux: The Story of a Soul, we will be meeting at St. Patrick's on Tuesday, November 27 at 9:00 am for our first book discussion group of the year. There will be a second opportunity to attend on Thursday, November 29 at 6:00 pm.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving day.

Click here for the Lesson Six Study Guide.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Lesson Five Update

Let me just say this about today's meeting--Whew! We had so much to cover this week, and I hope we did it justice. Sometimes when you get into these high-minded theological topics like justification, it can be a bit taxing on the brain. After our two hours are up, I often feel like I talked way too much and made very little sense. Please let me know if there was anything we overlooked or passed over too quickly. At least we're getting into the part of Paul's letter that is the "good news" that he wanted to share.

Don't forget. We do not meet again until November 29. I will try not to procrastinate and should get the study guide for Lesson Six posted before Thanksgiving. (Oh man, I just put that in print, didn't I? I'll try.) Just make sure you print your copy and leave a comment by Tuesday, November 27. Also, leave a comment if you find this "extra material" helpful. Just wondering if it's worth posting it after our meetings. Thanks.

(By the way, in case anybody cares, my new refrigerator is coming on Saturday. Cold food. What a concept!)

Here are the links to a couple of documents you may wish to print from today's meeting:
Click here for Lesson Five Notes
Click here for a great meditation from Pope John XXIII The Daily Decalogue

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Romans: Lesson Five

Happy Halloween! Happy All Saints' Eve!

The study guide for Lesson Five is ready. A word to the wise--do not put this lesson off to the last minute. I worked on this all day yesterday and part of this morning, and my brain is very tired. This is a heavy lesson. Lots of juicy doctrine in these verses.
Don't forget--print your copy by Wednesday, November 7 to save me from printing extras and leave a comment once you have printed out the lesson!

Click Here for Lesson Five

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lesson Four Update

We somehow managed to cover everything that I was hoping we would today. Very good. In case you were unable to attend the meeting, I am uploading a copy of my personal notes for this lesson and the information we discussed today about the rosary.

I am also going to include an extra document that I did not distribute at today's session. It is an article about novenas. The topic came up today as we learned about the rosary, and I thought some of you may find it interesting. I would encourage everyone to try to read it. (It's short.)

Lesson Five will be posted as soon as it is finished. We are heading out of town on a couple of trips in the next few weeks, but I will do my best. Keep checking back and remember to print a copy and leave a comment by Wednesday, Nov 7.

Lesson Four Notes and The Rosary and
EXTRA: What is a Novena?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Romans: Lesson Four

I'm not quite as quick with this study guide, but my windows are clean. I had to prioritize. This is another stinging bit of scripture--at least I thought so. We should have a good discussion this week.

If you are unable to make it on Thursday, please check back after our meeting. I will post some notes from our discussion and a document on the rosary that I am hoping to cover at the end of the lesson. Please click on the comments button below to let me know that you have printed your own copy --to avoid my printing extra copies, you must do so before Wednesday, Oct 24.

See you on Thursday!
Click here to print Lesson Four Study Guide

Sunday, October 14, 2007

That Catholic Show

Here's episode two of That Catholic Show. (Episode One may be viewed on the September 27th post.) These are short video casts that use a unique approach to teaching about the Catholic faith--not boring.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lesson Three Update

We're sorry everyone couldn't make it today, because we had a really good discussion about this lesson. It's a tough lesson to read. The universality and timelessness of Paul's words hit home. We can see ourselves among those Paul condemns, but that's good! We can't repent for sins we can't acknowledge. "O happy fault!"

There were two extra handouts today. If you weren't able to come to the meeting, you may want to print them out and give them a read. One of the handouts addresses the topics of Chastity and Homosexuality which is addressed in Romans 1:24-27, and the other is a list of the words and their definitions from end of the first chapter.

Don't forget, you are always welcome to leave comments for the rest of the group by clicking on the word "comments" below. You may want to say hello to the homebound Winnie, offer your condolences to Verna on the death of her sister-in-law (see comments from last entry), or write whatever else you may want to share. I will post the next lesson as soon as I have it finished.
Have a great weekend.
Extra Lesson Three Documents: Lesson Three Terms and Chastity and Homosexuality

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Romans: Lesson 3

Thanks to having to stay home yesterday for our piano tuner, I have our new study guide ready for you to print. (What will I do with all my free time?) Once you have printed your copy, don't forget to leave a comment so I'll know that you are good to go.

Since it seems to cause more frustration than it should have to, I have decided to remove the restrictions to accessing the website. It is unlikely that anyone will find it anyway. We'll try it for now, and if it gets to be a problem, we can always go back. You will no longer need to type in a password to access the site. Keep track of that password, though in case I change it in the future.

Finally, good wishes for Winnie's recovery after her surgery that was scheduled for Oct 3. I hope everything went well. Let us know how things are going, Winnie. If there's any way we can help you out, don't be afraid to ask.

Lesson 3 Study Guide: Click Here to Print!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Lesson One & Two Update

We had a lot to talk about today! Those reviews are quite a bit of work. If you want to do some review of today's lessons, or you just weren't able to make the meeting, you are welcome to print a copy of my personal notes. I'm not sure if they will be much help, but you are welcome to them. Click on this link to print.

Our next meeting is on October 11. I will put up the study guide as soon as I can, so just check back periodically to see if it is here. As of today, I'm about halfway done.

In the meantime, try watching this video from YouTube--it's only 5 minutes long-- and let me know what you think. (This may not work if you have slllllooooowwwww Internet. Sorry)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Romans: Lesson One & Two

Since this is our trial run for posting lessons online, I thought I would try and get the guide done early. Don't count on me being this efficient every week!

This is an important lesson. Give yourself plenty of time to devote to it. We are laying the groundwork for the rest of the study. As I was preparing the study guide, I realized what a great introduction to the year our summer book, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, turned out to be. Now we are ready to take on the big themes of our Christian faith.

So, here's what I want you to do. Below I have set up a link to the study guide for our first two lessons. Once you open that document, you should be able to print it right from the Google docs page. (I tried it myself, and it worked for me.) If you are successful in printing the document, click on the "comments" below and leave a brief message to let me know that you were able to print your own copy. If you cannot print the document, or have difficulties in doing so, indicate that in the comments section as well, giving me a brief description of the difficulties you experienced. On Wednesday, Sept. 26, I will check the comments and print out study guides for anyone who could not do it for themselves. I will also be printing up copies of the list of names, emails, and phone numbers for everyone in the group and bring that on Thursday as well. If any of that information has changed since last year, send me an email ASAP. Since I would rather not put that information online, I will print enough copies for everyone.

See you on Thursday!
Study guide for Sept 27, 2007 Romans: Lesson 1 & 2 Click here to print.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Welcome Back!

It’s a little hard to believe that we are starting the seventh year of our Women’s Bible Study. We’ve learned a lot in the last six years, and I think we’re getting better every year. Our first meeting is designated for our group discussion on C.S. Lewis’ classic, Mere Christianity. The original study guide is available below in a previous post. In this entry I am including a link to the same document, but this one includes my personal notes (my answers to the questions)—in case anyone is interested. Click here.

As usual, we’ll have to cover some business items. If you are not able to attend the meeting, take a moment to look over the information below.

  1. Please make sure that I have your current phone number and email (if applicable).
  2. Last spring I had asked that everyone fill out a survey. Most everyone seems fairly content with the way things are going—an all women study, catechism lessons following our regular lesson, and summer book study. I aim to please, but some suggestions simply cannot be accommodated. I’m working on satisfying the request of some to be able to get the study guide before our meeting by developing this blog. Now we just have to get everyone on board.
  3. Please spend some time reviewing the group rules on our schedule--we get lazy about some of them as the year progresses--and re-read the essay as well—it’s inspiring. Here are a few changes for this year…
    1. This is not really a change, just a request. Our study group is scheduled to meet from 9-11. I would appreciate it everyone would make a real effort this year to be on time and stay for the entire meeting. I know that it can’t always be avoided, but it’s disruptive to the group when people are coming in and out, and it demonstrates a lack of priority for what we do here. I’m not saying this because I think I’m so fascinating, but I think you owe it to yourself to set aside just two hours every few weeks to learn and share your faith. When you spend the time to do your homework, don’t short-change the other important component of the study—group discussion. Everything else shouldn't be more important than your responsibility to participate in our group.
    2. We will continue to share the responsibility for the opening prayer. I will let you know the schedule at our next meeting when I have the class list finalized. However, this year, instead of having individual prayer intentions, I am going to make a request that we share in one common prayer intention for our parish and our pastor. This link will take you to a suggested prayer that I hope you will consider including in your devotions. Click here.
    3. Finally, I am asking that each member who is able to preprint their own copy of the study guide for the lesson prior to our meetings. I will try to have the study guide available online by the Tuesday evening before our Thursday meeting. If you do print your guide, leave a comment on the blog indicating that you have done so. I usually print out the guides on Wednesday and will consult this site before I do so to get a count. If I plan to have extra materials—articles, catechism topics, etc.—I will provide those to the group and add them to the site after the meeting.

Comments or questions are welcome. Let's have a good year!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Women's Bible Study

Welcome. You've found the right place!

I hope this experiment will prove to be a useful resource for our group and an easy way for all of us to stay connected even, and maybe most importantly, especially during the times when we can't all be together. If this site works the way that I think it will, I should be able to publish all of our study guides, our calendar, notices, links to extra materials... and whatever else we may need to this location. Once published, you will be able to access and print any of the documents on any computer with Internet service. You can even subscribe to the site so that you would be automatically alerted when the site has been updated. Best of all, you would also be able to communicate with me and any of the other members of the group by leaving comments on the site.

Because I also intend to use this site for the adult catechism group I hope to start this fall, you will have to look for the icon of St. Paul the Apostle in any posts that would be of concern to our study of Paul's Letter to the Romans. In this first post, I have included a link to a test study guide. It would help me if you could try and print the document on your own computer and then leave a comment to let me know if you're successful. You can find this test document by clicking on the highlighted blue text.

Once we get rolling this fall, I hope you will make the most of this addition to our Bible Study.

New! Available beginning July 24:
Study guide for September 13 book discussion of C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity. Click here to print.
Also, Women's Bible Study Calendar 2007/08. Click here to print.