Monday, October 27, 2008

Lesson Five: Fleshly and Spiritual Attitudes

How's this for early? Jim is out of town, and it's too cold to work outside, so I decided to get going on the next lesson today. I think you'll discover that this lesson is much easier after we did all the theological heavy lifting for the last one. In this section, Paul expands on this idea of spiritual maturity.

Our next meeting is on November 6. See you then!

Study Guide for Lesson Five: Fleshly and Spiritual Attitudes

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lesson Four Follow Up

Wasn't this a fascinating lesson? It was a tough study guide to make, but once I got through it, I felt satisfied that I had truly learned something new about my faith. I think I have a better understanding about how I got where I am today, and I think I can say I have even a greater appreciation for the help I've gotten from above along every step of the way.

After I got home today and unpacked my bag, I saw Winnie's bookmark about the Vatican Splendors exhibit. I meant to talk about this at the end of our discussion and completely forgot. Is there anyone who is willing to organize this for us? We would need to establish a date and time, arrange some rides, pre-order the tickets, and possibly make some reservations for lunch at a nearby restaurant. I think it's a great idea for a field trip. Let me know if you are interested in making this happen.

As usual, I will provide a link to the notes that I made for this lesson. Our next meeting is on Nov. 6, and we will be discussing Lesson 5. Here's hoping we know who our next president will be by then! (Yay! The stupid political commercials will be gone!!!)

Lesson Four Notes

Friday, October 17, 2008

Lesson Four: True Wisdom

Since we are only covering a few verses, you might be surprised to see that our study guide is still two pages long. There was so much to get to in this lesson, and I didn't know what to cut. I suppose that I lack some of this true wisdom that Paul had in being able to say what he needed to say with a small amount of words. Too bad for you, I guess. I'll try harder next time.

Our next meeting is Thursday, October 23 at 9AM. See you then.

Study Guide: Lesson Four