Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lesson Three: Confirmation of the Truth

Paul is convinced that he is teaching the true gospel. And Paul is convinced it is the true gospel because he was given this gospel by Christ himself. Even so, because he has encountered some conflict over his teachings, he decides to consult with the pillars of the Church in Jerusalem to settle the matter.

This lesson can teach each of us something about how we are to handle conflict regarding our faith. When are we called to speak up or to keep silent? And when we do speak up, how are we to do so? What are our responsibilities? How do we know when we are acting out of God's will or our own? Better to think about these things ahead of time, before you get caught up in the heat of the moment, than to respond out of reflex and regret the outcome.

Study Guide Lesson Three

In addition to Lesson Three, we will also be discussing Chapter One of the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults.

See you on October 28!

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