Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lesson Ten: Living by the Spirit

At the end of our last lesson, we found out that love is the new law for Christians. Not an easy law to keep by our own efforts, is it? So how do we learn to love as Christ loves? How do we avoid the pitfalls of sin?

This is a good lesson to work on during the season of Lent. During the rest of the year, we can fall into the trap of thinking we're not so bad. While we might be making progress, Lent reminds us that we still have a long way to go before we learn to love with the kind of self-less love that Christ shows us on the Cross.

Study Guide for Lesson Ten (Basic Version)

Study Guide for Lesson Ten

Note: Our next meeting will not be held until March 24. There's an extra week between lessons for spring break.

In addition to our scripture lesson, at that meeting we will also be discussing Chapter 8 in the US Catholic Catechism for Adults. On pg.93 of that chapter, the authors mention an icon of the Eastern Churches depicting the risen Christ reaching into the realm of the dead for Adam and Eve. I found a few different versions of this icon online and thought that you might like to see them for yourself. These are the images that you see throughout this post. You may click on each icon to see a slightly larger version for more detail.

Enjoy your extra week of break, and we'll see you back on the 24th!

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