Sunday, September 13, 2015


You found it!  This is the web page for our Solid Grounds Bible Study.

This year there will not be a study guide posted for each lesson since we have a separate workbook that provides questions for each chapter of the book of scripture that we are studying.  However, it is still a good idea to check into the site on occasion to see if there is anything that is posted regarding our lesson or something we may have discussed at a previous meeting.

This week I am posting a link to a podcast that has a more complete answer to a question that came up at our first meeting.  Someone had asked about the Pope's announcement about priests being allowed to forgive the sin of abortion in the confessional.  Because we had so much to talk about that day, it was impossible to give a good, thorough answer to that question, and so I thought that I would give you an opportunity to get an answer that provides a better understanding of what the Pope intended with this announcement.

All you have to do is click on this link to the Busted Halo Podcast, and then you can either push the play button and listen to it on the device you are on right now, or download it and put it on your iPod or other listening device and listen to it later.  This is the best, and as I said, most thorough answer that I have heard so far to this question about the forgiveness of abortion or, for that matter, any serious mortal sin.

The next time we meet, let me know if you visited this site and had a chance to listen to the podcast.  Just curious to know if you were able to find it, and if it's a valuable resource to you.

See you on September 17.

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