Friday, March 17, 2017

Catching Up!

Sorry.  I've really fallen behind on posting things for our group.  Meeting weekly keeps me on my toes, but I'm afraid that I'm not a very good ballerina!  One week after another flies by, and I neglect my duties.

So, on this post, I will put up my notes from Lessons 5-7, which conclude 1 Peter and include the first two chapters of 2 Peter.  I don't think these get many downloads, but I like to make them available, especially for anyone who is unable to make it to a meeting.  It helps give some idea of the direction our discussion has gone--although often we may head off to another path depending on the input of the group.

Notes for...
Lesson 5 Stand Firm
Lesson 6 Confirming Your Call
Lesson 7 False Prophets

Before I go, I thought I'd also pass on a recommendation for one of the programs on the FORMED website.  This week, while I was on the treadmill, I watched the video "The Three Secrets to Sharing the Faith." We often talk about ways to share our Catholic faith with friends and family who may have differences of opinion about our faith or questions about our beliefs and practices.  The methods shared in this video give some excellent suggestions on how to do this and keep the conversation civil and productive. Very well done!

See you next week.  Oh, and if you were unable to make it this week, come to our next meeting prepared to vote on whether you would prefer to go out to lunch after our last meeting on March 30 or meet for breakfast the Thursday afterwards, April 6.  I'd also welcome restaurant suggestions if you have any ideas.

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