Friday, January 18, 2008

Lesson Ten

We are at the halfway point in our study of Romans. In the section of his letter that we are studying for Lesson Ten, Paul has some very interesting things to say about God's law, and why we can't seem to keep it even when we really want to and have been given the help of God's grace through baptism. This passage contains the well known verse when Paul admits, "I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do I want, but I do the very thing I hate." No kidding. What's that all about?

Since this lesson focuses the Law, I thought this would be a good time to cover a catechism lesson that I have prepared that explains the difference between dogma, doctrine, and Canon Law. We'll also learn a little history about how it all came to be, and maybe a few tips on how to use it to become better Catholics.

Once again--here comes the broken record part--please save a tree by printing out your own study guide and leaving a message in the comments section that you have done so by the end of the day on Tuesday, January 22. It only takes a moment of your day and saves my printer.
Study Guide for Lesson Ten


Verna said...


Good Grief!!!

I totally forgot to print this out, I have some excuses which are really lame considering all of the work you put into this.

I will be there tomorrow but is anybody else?

It doesn't look like you have had any comments?

Blame it on cold weather.


Anonymous said...

Hello Kathy, It's Thursday 6:48 AM and I am printing notes. Talk about the 11th hour!!!
See you all soon!
Mary Peterson