Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 1, Year 8!

I wonder if Pope Benedict's ears were ringing today while we were talking about his great book, Jesus of Nazareth. Aren't we blessed to have such a brilliant, devout, and kindly gentle man leading our Church? We could spend the rest of the year discussing what we passed over today in our discussions, but we have to move on to Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians.

Our first lesson, as always, is an overview of the whole letter. Don't get too bogged down in making the outline in the lesson from Life Change book. You'll be much better off spending your study time by reading the entire letter and trying to get a basic idea of what the big themes might be and the general direction the letter takes.

I mentioned today that since our lessons are a little smaller with 1Corinthians, we may have time this year to tackle some more catechism issues. If you have any ideas for these kinds of topics, jot them down and bring them to our next session. We meet again on September 25.

In case you're interested, I have put my notes for today's study guide on my Google docs, so you can click on the link below if you would like a copy.
Study Guide for Jesus of Nazareth w/Personal Notes

1 comment:

Verna said...


I have printed your notes for the study guide for Jesus of Nazareth.

